
For more than ten years, I’ve been living in Tokyo and writing about the Japanese indie music scene. I’ve occasionally had the chance to see and sometimes participate in shows in other parts of the country, and I’ve often met bands from outside Tokyo as they visit on tour.


I’ve also found that the more time I spend in Tokyo, the more my perspective on Japanese music is limited by the shifting tides of fashion, media and the chance workings of human interactions. What gets presented as the hot new thing from one place is often coloured by what’s already considered hot in Tokyo, or what fits the agenda of promoters and media. The music changes, but Tokyo’s landscape stays the same, and it distorts everything that enters in ways that make it all somehow familiar.

海外でも日本の音楽の注目度は徐々に上がってきている(今に限ったことではないが)。これは簡単に音楽を広めることができるインターネットのおかげであるが、とりわけ音楽会社やタレント事務所そして日本政府の「Cool Japan」プロモーション活動のおかげであろう。ある一面の日本を切り取っただけであって、浅はかなためにすぐに破綻してしまう可能性も高い。

There is also a growing awareness of Japanese music throughout the world, thanks to the ease with which music can be disseminated through the Internet, and in particular to growing promotional activities by record companies, talent agencies and government programmes like “Cool Japan”. This shows a certain side of Japan, but it’s an image characterised by an immediacy that swiftly tumbles into shallowness.



In writing about Japanese music, I of course have my own tastes and biases. I have my own agenda, even if it is often a chaotic and shifting one. But in my constant search for something new, one thing I find precious wherever I find it is a sense of place. Music that floats free of context fills the Internet and overloads the airwaves – a lot of it made entirely in this deracinated psychic space. It promotes supposedly “universal” values, but in doing so cuts itself off from its roots or never even discovers them.


I’m a child of this online musical space – I couldn’t be the kind of music fan I am without it – but at the same time, a sense of place has always held great power for me. I have spent a decade building my own small music community with roots in the western Tokyo suburb of Koenji – one of the last remaining places in the city to retain its own distinctive musical culture – and whenever I visit a new town in Japan, my first question is always, “Where’s the music?”


My plan over the next year is to visit every prefecture in Japan, learning what I can about the local alternative music scene in each place and writing about it – on the Internet and hopefully eventually for a book. In a fit of foolish brio I determined to make my way from place to place by bicycle. Time, work and weather mean I won’t be able to make the whole trip at once, but I will be spending a significant portion of the next year on the road. I will post regular updates of my travels on here, and I will welcome offers of assistance and shelter along the way.


I look forward to meeting you.

10 thoughts on “About

  1. Facebookにあなたのblogの事がシェアで上げられていたのでblog読みました。






    1. コメント有難うございます。





  2. I really feel that you will love KOKIA.. Shes a singer/songwriter working independently, and is the best live performer I have seen.
    She’s totally underrated in Japans heavily polluted pop music industry.
    check her out..

    Its hard to find real music in this chart monopoly. Its so fake and annoying to hear this crap on every T.V channel!

    Thanks so much for the blog! I really need a place to find better music in Japan.


  3. Just came across your post about Tiala. I’ve been looking for more info on them for ages, so amazing to learn about their connection to BushBash and Less than TV. Are you on instagram or twitter or anywhere I can follow you?


    1. Tiala are awesome, although they don’t seem to be active these days. I saw Kakinuma playing in a brutally loud new band last year and he’s still running BushBash.

      My label has an Instagram account that’s mostly just live photos of bands on the label or events I’ve organised: https://www.instagram.com/carrecords/

      My personal Twitter is a mixture of label/event news and angry leftwing political rants (that are more like therapy for my media addiction than anything humans need to read) but if you’re interested, it’s @ianfmartin (and the label is on there too at @carrecords).


  4. That’s great. Do you know what the new band is called?

    Your instagram looks awesome. Just gave you a follow. Wish I had found your stuff before I went to Japan last year. Would have loved to go to some shows. Next time!

    Will check out twitter as well.


    1. Comment got scrambled some how. Your instagram looks awesome and I just followed you. Next time I’m in Japan, I’ll have to check out some of the venues/bands you’re writing about.


  5. hej there, just found your blog while looking for venues, general places of diy underground/experimental music in Japan. Thank you so much for all the information, your blog is really interesting. i will soon do a tour in Japan to present my music, hope to meet 🙂 best, daniel


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